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《冒險契約》是一款橫向 ARPG 網頁遊戲,結合可愛、冒險、輕鬆玩的概念而成,以西方魔幻世界為背景。
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博客來-Alfred』s Essentials of Music Theory: Complete博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010110715
This contemporary-looking series introduces all musical concepts through concise lessons, followed by short exercises for immediate reinforcement. A page of ear training and a page of review complete each unit. LESSONS 1-25
. Staff, Notes and Pitches
. Treble and Bass Clefs
. Grand Staff and Ledger Lines
. Note Values
. Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar
. 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 Time Signatures
. Whole, Half and Quarter Notes and Rests
. Dotted Half Note and Dotted Quarter Note
. Ties and Slurs
. Repeat Sign, 1st and 2nd Endings
. Eighth Notes and Rests
. Dynamic Signs, Tempo Marks and Articulation
. D.C., D.S., Coda and Fine
. Flats, Sharps and Naturals
. Whole and Half Steps, Enharmonic Notes
Lessons 26-50
. Tetrachords and Major Scales
. Key Signatures
. Chromatic Scale
. Intervals, Circle of Fifths
. Perfect, Major and Minor Intervals
. Augmented and Diminished Intervals
. Solfege and Transposition
. Sixteenth Notes and Rests
. Dotted Eighth Notes and Eighth Note Triplets
. Common Time and Cut Time
. 3/8 and 6/8 Time Signatures
. Pick-up Notes and Syncopation
. Primary and Major Triads
. Scale Degree Names
. V7 (Dominant 7th ) Chord
Lessons 51-75
. 1st and 2nd Inversions of Triads
. Inversion of V7 Chords
. Figured Bass
. Major Chord Progressions
. Minor Scales and Minor Triads
. Modes
. Harmonizing a Melody in Major and Minor Keys
. Broken Chords and Arpeggiated Accompaniments
. Passing and Neighboring Tones
. Composing a Melody in Major and Minor Keys
. 12-Bar Blues Chord Progression and Blues Scale
. Basic Forms of Music
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